Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer
Ah the lazy, hazy days of summer. Having to wait longer than most as summer doesn’t truly arrive in the Pacific Northwest until July 5. It is too much to ask Mother Nature to deliver on the 4th of July as the rest of the country dons shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops. Rarely will we have a warm one, but we can be secure in knowing that we will most likely be wearing sweaters over our t-shirts, a pair of sweats, and flip-flops on our feet (It is technically summer at the beach). But I digress…
A few years ago, Oregon experienced devastating wildfires. Smoke overtook Portland, and due to health concerns, we shuffled our family out to the coast. For a few days, it wasn’t much better. The lazy, hazy days of summer had turned into dangerous smokey days. But soon, the winds kicked up and started to slowly blow the smoke away, and I was able to catch some truly incredible, somewhat eerie images.
The smoke was thick enough to point my lens directly at the sun without fear of frying out my sensor. Admittedly, with ocean mist, fog, and haze, a large aperture (aim for f/11 or higher), and a fast shutter speed (around 1/100 or faster) to catch those waves, you can capture the sun’s beauty without much fear of harming your camera. Play with settings, use bracketing if needed, and try different focal points – sun, waves, or a point on the beach.

Golden sunset over Manzanita’s beach
When the lazy, hazy days of summer do arrive, one can count on the arrival of pelicans. Pelicans are some of my all-time favorite seabirds. Huge, graceful, and a bit odd-looking, they are a sign of summer here. In the Pacific Northwest, we get the brown pelicans. Reaching roughly 7 whopping pounds with a wingspan up to 7 feet, the brown pelican is the only pelican species that hunts with dramatic plunging dives. Seriously fun to watch. I’ll do another post on these creatures soon.

Group of pelicans flying home for the night
Surfing PNW Style
Manzanita is not a surfing mecca. Occasionally one will see some surfers, but no barrels to be found. Windsurfing is more popular here although, the exposed beach break and consistent waves do offer opportunities to catch some waves. If you want to hang ten, you will want to hit Short Sands Beach or Smuggler’s Cove for better conditions. However, on this special evening, I enjoyed watching two die-hard surfers going for that last wave of the day.

Surfer goes out to catch just one more wave of the day
The whys and some shooting ideas
An ombred sun – is that even a word? It is now. One pretty cool effect of smoke, even haze, is its ombre effect on the setting sun. Smoke particles are heavy in the atmosphere and more dense closer to the horizon which in turn causes the deepening colors through the sun and the sky too.

An ombre colored sun begins its descent over the sea.
The smoke in the atmosphere gives color to the air. The sun streaking through the smoke glows atop the ocean and the beach. The warm, rich colors illuminate the air and give the world around an ethereal feel. Truly harrowing conditions gave way to this haunting beauty.
Here you can see different focal points that produce unique perspectives to the images. It is all too easy to shoot from a standing position and too easy to forget other vantage points. Squat down and become one with the sand to capture the bokeh from the sun on the sand.

A bokeh covered beach twinkles below blue rolling waves and an orange setting sun.
As always, all of my images are available for purchase. If you see an image you like that is not in the shop, no worries! Just email me at and we’ll set you up!