The Need for Sunshine and Water
The Need for Sunshine and Water are both essential to life. Always in January/February in the great PNW, the need for sunshine kind of outweighs the need for water LOL! I am pretty much over the water aspect (rain and drizzle) and this is when I go digging through the archives to take me back to warmer days.
This shot was taken on my trip back to see my friends, Michael and Fred, and their horse farm. Michael and I hopped in the car one day and hit the road. He has the patience of a saint as I kept saying “pull over!” about every half mile. There was so much to capture! As I’ve said before, I have this love of water (not the kind that falls from the sky, unless it’s accompanied by bolts of lightning and claps of thunder – then I’m all over that…), especially reflections. We were cruising through the back roads and little towns on a gorgeous sunny fall day when I saw this in a flash and yelled “pull over!” Climbing through some woods I came upon this shot. I love that you can’t see the house behind the trees, but only in the reflection of the water.
I hope this shot warms you up if you are in need of sunshine and a reminds you that warm days are on the way.

A quintessential Americana home in New England on a gorgeous late summer day.