Heading South
“Heading south” brings about images of sunny days in my mind. Chasing sunsets and heading South on the Oregon Coast brings these images to life. If you are married to or otherwise attached to a person who loves golf, this trek is a persuasive one to make. As I’ve said before, my family (two boys and my husband) has little patience with me and my adventures with my camera. Though, it’s not a hard sell when I dangle Bandon Dunes Golf in front of them. It’s a two-fer. They (or your golf-loving person) get several days of chasing that little white ball around one of the country’s most exquisite golf courses (or rather 6 courses), and I (you) get 5 to 6 days of shooting along the Southern Oregon Coast. This chunk of the coast is probably my favorite in Oregon and I’ll show you why.
Bandon Beach
Bandon Beach is peppered with sea stacks that stand majestically against the setting sun.

A sea bird flies home for the day.
Grab your neutral density filter to add a little mystic drama to the sea!

Mystic waves roll in on Bandon Beach

Myst-filled air and mystic seas roll onto Bandon Beach.

A mystical stormy sunset on Bandon Beach, Oregon
Shore Acres
As you drive South along Highway 101, just North of Brandon takes you to Shore Acres State Park. If you like shooting waves, plan your trip during a King Tide, and you will be insanely rewarded. We’ll venture there in another post, but this place is NOT to be missed.
Once the sprawling estate of lumber baron Louis J. Simpson, Shore Acres State Park beholds a stunning botanical garden and coastal trails with incredible views of the rugged coastline and seas below.

Huge wave crashes into the sea cliffs at Shore Acres in Oregon.

Huge waves from a King Tide roll in to the cliffs at Shore Acres in Southern Oregon.

Dark stormy skies roll in over the dark sea at sunset at Shore Acres, Oregon

A dark storm rolls in to Shore Acres, Oregon.
Highway 101
Heading South along Highway 101 is always magical. Liquid golden seas are lit up by the setting sun. Sea spray off crashing waves look like fire on the ocean. Ah, the beauty of it all!

A combination of a golden sunset and choppy white seas produce a liquid gold effect.

The sun catching the sea spray off the wave along the Southern Oregon Coast.

Sea spray lit up by the last shine of the setting sun on a dark ocean.

The setting sun casts a pink glow as it lights up the crest of a crashing wave along the Oregon Coast
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of the Southern Oregon Coast. I just scratched the surface as there is so much more to see in the area including the Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor. We’ll visit there in a upcoming post.
See something you like? Want it for your wall? Contact me!
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