Sand Dollar
Fun facts:
A sand dollar has a mouth. Think about that for a second and add in 5 teeth-like sections that help to grind up its food. They eat phytoplankton, algae and zooplankton like crustaceans or fish larvae. Bizarre little creatures.

Photo by unknown
One can tell their age by counting the rings on their exoskeleton – kind of like the rings of a tree. Their life span is anywhere from 6-10 years.
They like to hang out together. Clusters of as many as 600 have been found living in one square yard of ocean floor – the sea’s answer to a mosh pit.
Rarely have I found full sea dollars on the beach at Manzanita. Usually they are in pieces broken up by the waves crashing on the shore. On the occasions I have found a whole one, they were alive and I helped them back to the sea. The one’s pictured here were not alive – no live sand dollars were harmed in the taking of these images.
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